About the show...
Cash Alive is a tribute to the legendary Johnny Cash performed by world-renown tribute artist Paul Eve!
About the show...
Cash Alive is a tribute to the legendary Johnny Cash performed by world-renown tribute artist Paul Eve!
A Tribute to Johnny Cash!
Bringing to life some of the most timeless and iconic country songs of all time, world-class entertainer Paul Eve delivers a powerhouse performance that features the life and music of the legendary Johnny Cash!
Johnny Cash’s Biggest Hits!
You’ll be taken on a nostalgic trip back in time as Paul faithfully recreates some of Johnny Cash’s biggest hits, including:
- “Ring of Fire”
- “I Walk the Line”
- “Folsum Prison Blues”
- “Jackson”
- “I’ve Been Everywhere”
- …and many more!
As one of the most pioneering and influential country songs and performers, Cash created and sound and style that was as unique as “The Man in Black” himself.
Take part in this once-in-a-lifetime performance by one of the most talented tribute artists on the planet… Paul Eve!
Featuring Paul Eve!
A featured performer in some of the longest-running shows in the world (including the famous Legends in Concert), Paul perfectly recreates the looks, sounds, and mannerisms of the late, great music artist – delivering a performance and high-energy show that is second-to-none!
You won’t believe your eyes and ears as you are taken on an incredible musical journey with Cash Alive! The Legend!
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