Groups of 15+ Adults?
For special group discounts, please call: 1 (800) 504-0115
For tickets, questions, or reservations: Call now: 1 (800) 504-0115Book Online!
About the show...
An incredible immersive and virtual experience that covers Jesus’ 100-mile Holy Land journey.
At a Glance...
Show Length About ~65 minutes
Seating Reserved
Reservations? Strongly recommended
Questions or Reservations
Toll-free 1 (800) 504-0115
Local (417) 544-1944
Groups of 15+? Call for special rates
For tickets, questions, or reservations: Call now: 1 (800) 504-0115Book Online!
An Immersive, Virtual Visit to the Holy Land
With a running time of approximately 65 minutes, this immersive visit to the Holy Land takes you along Jesus’ 100-mile journey.
This panoramic experience highlights his story’s journey, and takes you on a tour through the modern-day locations where he lived, taught, and sacrificed.
Panoramic Images & Animations
This isn’t a live production, it’s a virtual experience that is projected around the theatre – narrated and brought to life unlike any other attraction.
New to Branson!
Come experience this one-of-a-kind attraction in person in Branson, MO!
For tickets, questions, or reservations: Call now: 1 (800) 504-0115Book Online!
Where Jesus Walked
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To ensure the best possible service, we only book by phone
Call now toll-free:
1 (800) 504-0115
We're open 7 days a week (9:00 am - 8:00pm (Mon-Sat) Noon - 6:00 pm (Sundays) - Central Time)
Special Promotion Price Terms & Conditions
We work with a local travel club (it's not a timeshare) and can offer you some amazing deals on your next trip to Branson!
To take advantage and qualify for this very special pricing, there are a few terms, qualifications, and conditions we need to let you know about.
This special offer is for single, married, or cohabitating couples that meet the following conditions:
Have an annual combined income of $40,000+
Agree to attend (together if married or cohabitating) a 90-minute travel club sales presentation
Show IDs with matching address at presentation
Show a major credit card, debit card, or checkbook at presentation
Must be a US resident
Must be between the ages of 25-75
Have not declared bankruptcy in the last 2 years
Not valid for Westgate Resort or Travel Club owners or those with access to Westgate Travel Club
How do I get this special price?
Upon completion of your presentation we will give you $100 (cash or credit back) toward your package. :-)
In the event you do not attend the presentation or don't meet the qualifications above, the regular package price will apply.
Please note that this promotional material is being used for the purpose of soliciting sales of a travel club, however, no purchase at the sales presentation is required - only 90 minutes of your time.
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